Monday, October 11, 2004

rice n rasam...

just finished preparing rasam, (properly) for the first time :-)
think it turned out pretty good...... unfortunately i lost my apitite by the time i finished makin it..... so i decided to take pictures of it and this was the best one i got.
mmmmmmmmmmm..... fooooooood :-)

Friday, October 08, 2004


a bunch of chilles hanging in the market at seattle. had a really nice weekend.... spent time with some of my best buddies.... ashu n rahul .... feels really nice to meet a close friend after a long time :-)
rest of the pictures


its high time i started focusing on the things i really love to do..... well there are only a 3 things that i absolutely love: photography, programming and keeping fit

have done absolutely no physical exersice in the last one month.... and that sucks big time.... gonna get a new pair of running shoes from a factory outlet tomorrow..... hopefully that should inspire me to run everyday :-)